Spotify App, Beats Music, iTunes Radio, Cracking the iPhone, Ebay, Vine App, AT&T, Spirit Airlines, Florida, and a whole lot more.
Tag Archives: vine
Apps, Websites, Fun! 169 – Who Needs A Smartwatch
Apps, Websites, Fun! 168 – One Direction 3D Headache
One Direction Movie Review, iOS 7 Features, iPhone 5S Release, PoochCam, New Instagram Feature, VMA Awards, Vine, MixBit, Samsung Gear Smartwatch, Apple Store Visit, Genius Bar,
You’re a Kid In A Digital World ℠
Thanks for making us the number on technology show for kids!
We talk technology but always end up somewhere else…
Kid Friday™ is hosted by 12 year-old Zoe, 15 year-old Hannah, Dave, and Winston from
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